Pastor Parris Bailey

Have you ever been around 365 days of miracles? Can you imagine what it’s like to wake up everyday to see lives being made ALL NEW, not just rebuilt! That describes the everyday norm at Mary’s Song.

NINE YEARS OF SEEING GOD AT WORK DAILY! I stopped guessing a long time ago who would “make it” or not. God definitely is still on the move on earth walking and talking with the broken. You see, the more we behold the scripture, behold Christ and His intimacy and behold the love of God all around us the more divine information we will receive. We at Mary’s Song learn to behold Christ in all things.

The girl who smiles, allows a hug, one who raises their hands to glorify the Lord. For we know Christ working in us a far bigger transformation than we could ever imagine. There is nothing greater than redemption.

Just last Sunday, I watched a Mary’s Song graduate sing her heart out on stage at our church in worship. Her little face, the face of an angel. Beside her in the prayer line, I saw my staff over the administration of our church (4 year graduate), laugh with joy as she is now married and expecting their first baby. I can relate with John in the Gospels when he says; “the whole world cannot contain the books of the miracles of Jesus”.

In the book of Genesis, we read about the Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the waters – He was wrestling with the dead things, the dark things and bringing life. Explosive revelation exposing what is needed to initiate change and create new life. The great physician is still at work my friends. Never, never give up nor underestimate the power of the cross.

Another girl comes in cutting; not able to unbundle her emotions. Months later she is expressing herself to the father of love and others around her. The McClaren commentary says, “Jesus bids her unclasp her hands, and gently instills the ending of the blessed past by opening to her the superior joys of the begun future. The Mary’s Song girl’s journey will be the dawning of a new way of faith. Jesus said “blessed are those who don’t see yet believe.”

I am not sure who will be reading this newsletter. Maybe you have a loved one that has lost their way. Maybe you have lost someone to drugs and live with that loss. I too have had my fair share of loss when it comes to drugs. There is hope! Hope that Christ is still at work using hands, voices, finances, prayers, hugs, and tears. The prodigals can celebrate for they have come home!