Merry Monday by Parris Bailey

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Cor.10:5

We have all had it happen, someone sends us a link from their email and you click onto it and you see horrible images. Somebody posts nasty stuff on your Facebook wall that you just befriended. Worst of all is when you have been hacked. Suddenly you become the nasty fellow sending images to other people (so everyone thinks). The other day at Marysong while sharing with the girls I begin to realize that we have allowed our MINDS TO BE HACKED for years. We allow whatever garbage to come in and take up residence there. Your mind starts surfing the sites you visit showing images of past loves, the day your mama beat you with a stick or when your sibling made you drink peewater. Whatever the case, it leaves us exhausted, entertained or way too excited. We allow our minds to be hacked by whatever is out there, making it pretty easy for outside influences to gain access.
Like the I-10 interstate which took years to build, so our mind is filled with interstates of much traveled roads of thoughts, emotion and nasty memories. Oftentimes I find myself on I-10 when I should have taken Earhart Expressway so it is with our thoughts, once we allow our minds freedom, it begins to wreck havoc. The scripture says “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Is. 26:3 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” Rom. 12:2 We must give up our own understanding, and renounce the wisdom of the flesh, and present our minds to Christ empty that he may fill them! Our human mind must be restrained and bridled, that it may not be wise, apart from the doctrine of Christ. ” All the plans of life should be controlled by the will of Christ, and formed and executed under his control – as captives are led by a conqueror. All the emotions and feelings of the heart should be controlled by him, and led by him as a captive is led by a victor. The sense is, that it was the aim and purpose of Paul to accomplish this, and that it would certainly be done. The strongholds of philosophy, paganism, and sin should be demolished, and all the opinions, plans, and purposes of the world should become subject to Christ.” (Poole)
As we take our thoughts captive lets build new interstates of thinking. Let’s meditate on His being, His character, His mercy, His loving-kindness; and of the nature of His ways in grace. I’m tired of being hacked by thoughts of the past and present. Let us have a clear channel for the Holy Spirit to flow through, in our minds, in our body and in our spirits!