Epaggelia or Words of Promise
Merry Monday by Parris Bailey
Rom.4:20 “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith giving glory to God”
The word promise in the New Testament is epaggelia which means an announcement, pledge, divine assurance. When situations come our way we better grab onto the promises of God given to us in our life. There are over 3500 of them for us to stand on.
Most of us have to learn how to stagger not at his promises or in other words to “be endued with faith”. Barclay says, “God promises eternal life or life in time and life in eternity. Eternal life is not simply life which goes on for ever. Eternal life is something which can start here and now. Eternal life is the injection into the realm of time of something of the realm of eternity; it is the coming into human life of something of the life of God himself. It is the the promise of God that if a man chooses to live life with Jesus Christ, heaven begins on earth.”
Have you been injected lately concerning His promises or His pledge of divine assurance? It’s what gives us peace in the night seasons of our life. The promises of God are founded on grace and not on law. His promises are not based on our merit or earnings but solely on his generosity. His love for me makes Him fulfill his promises! Therefore I should take the promises of God and appropriate them by faith!
“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises”. Heb. 6:12
John Gill says, ” A promise looks to the future. Its design and tendency is to excite trust and confidence in him who makes it. All the promises of God have this design and tendency; and consequently, as God has given many promises, the object is to call forth the lively and constant faith of people, all going to show that in the divine estimation, faith is of inestimable value. he is a promising God, and is known to be so by his people; he is eminently and emphatically the Promiser; and all other promisers, and the promises made by them, signify little; but the promises of God are exceeding great and precious, very ancient, free, and unconditional, irrevocable and immutable, and are admirably suited to the cases of his people, and will be fulfilled everyone of them: they include in them things temporal, spiritual, and eternal; things temporal, as that his people shall not want, that their afflictions shall work for good, and that he will support them under all their troubles.”
We must bathe ourselves in His word, eat his promises like our life depended on it cause it does. We stand absolutely naked and helpless in this anti-Christ world without them. He promises us the Holy Spirit, promises rest, a Kingdom to those who love Him and His soon return just to name a few. I pray you have reached out and have been injected with a few yourself!