Song of Solomon 1:9, “I have compared thee, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh’s chariots.”
Once again I am brought back to 1994 with one of the many, many services we were having, soaking in His presence. In one service, I was brought into a vision of horses, all very strong and beautiful running together, kicking up dirt with all of their muscles showing. As they galloped wildly together they begin to run in unison and they looked so majestic. Their timing and rhythm slowly was perfected and suddenly before my eyes they became children. I believe the Lord was simply telling me in our childlike states, we can walk in unity and become majestic as horses. There is nothing that is more powerful than the Body of Christ.
The Lord, in the Song of Solomon, used horses to describe his bride. Spurgeon says, “Christ’s church and people are compared to “the horse” for their strength, majesty, and comeliness; they are strong in Christ, and in his grace, and of an undaunted courage in bearing hardships, reproaches, and persecutions for his sake, and in fighting the Lord’s battles; and are stately and majestic, especially a company of them in Gospel order, and are very comely and beautiful in their trappings, clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and the graces of his Spirit; and to a “company” of them, a collection of goodly ones, as Egyptian ones, reckoned the best; and those in Pharaoh’s chariot best of all; choice, costly, well fed, and well taken care of; and not wild and loose, but coupled and joined together in a chariot, all drawing one way. Christ’s church and people are a choice and select company, distinguished from others by the grace of God; cost a great price, the blood of Christ; are well fed with the finest of the wheat; and are under the care both of angels and Gospel ministers; and look very beautiful as under the yoke of Christ, and joined together in Gospel bonds, being of the same faith and judgment; drawing one way, striving together for the faith of the Gospel, and endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.”
It is as if He is saying, Fear not, I have put my strength in thee. Zech 10:3 “The Lord has made thee as his goodly horse in the day of battle.” We are weak within ourselves, but if Christ make us as horses, strong and bold, we need not fear what the powers of darkness can do against us. He admires our beauty and our strength as we cooperate with his Body.
Sometimes it takes time for the body to get in line with each part, even a newborn colt has to get his sea legs! We can all run wildly around stirring up our own dirt, panting and sweating and making lots of noises, but there is nothing as beautiful as galloping horses all running together. We have a battle to win, a race to run, lets be a part of his body, come as a child.
Daniel 11:32, “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”