Merry Monday by Parris Bailey

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. 26And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.”Joel 2:25-26

This verse gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling deep inside. Way back in the early 80’s, Frank and I lived in a small double near Lafrenier Park having at that time just Jeremy and Nathan. I remember being plaqued by lice, worms and yes rats and while doing my daily chores God spoke this verse to me from the book of Joel. I began to understand that there is the downswing of adversity and the upswing of prosperity. (Simpson)This scripture confirms those seasons.
I love this quote from the Homiletic Commentary- “The great abundance of the plentiful years should replenish the granaries and storehouses, which has been emptied in the years of famine. The destroyer will do no more mischief. Joy is to succeed sorrow. It comes not by chance but by divine commission. Where sin abounds, grace superabounds, God would make up for the produce lost in year. He would give full compensation.”
Maybe you have gone through a very long season of emptiness, lack, and closed doors. If we remain faithful, walk in repentance and steadfastness, He promises to restore the years so much that it would seem you have never experienced it! He will deal wondrously in our lives if we remain steadfast.
This month we celebrate 4 years opening Mary’s Song Restoration Center, talk about seeing God restore! One of the girls, who is our first African American to graduate the program, saw firsthand God restoring her life. Her one and only son was taken away from her when she was 14 (due to her lifestyle). At the young age of 22, he was sent to Angola for life without parole. Hope spent her whole life as a crack addict starting at the young age of 12. All her son knew was his momma on crack. Last week Hope was able to go to Angola to visit her son after not seeing him for 6 years. You can imagine his face when he saw not a crack addict but a beautiful healthy glowing woman. She was able to bring the love of Christ and God begin to restore the years that the devil stole.
I am here to tell you that your joy will be revived, He will make good, make it up, compensate, bring restitution and make amends. Maybe you went weeping bearing precious seed but you will doubtless come again bringing your sheaves with you. Yes, your granaries that once sat empty for years will once again overflow with His goodness. Exponentially God comes into our lives and nothing remains the same!