Mary’s Song Restoration Center for Women currently has several beds available. If you or someone you know is interested in entering the program, fill out an application, contact us at 504-822-1341 or email us.

Mary’s Song Restoration Center for Women is a Christ centered solution for women who struggle with drug and alcohol addictions as well as other life-controlling problems. Our faith based rehabilitation center is located in the heart of the New Orleans, Louisiana. We are committed to equipping the women we serve to find freedom from addictive behaviors, become emotionally healthy, physically well and spiritually alive.


Mary’s Song Restoration Center for Women reaches out to women from all backgrounds, with particular emphasis on women rebuilding their lives after incarceration and through family interventions. Mary’s Song is a non-profit organization and a collaborative initiative that relies entirely on the generous donations, funding and volunteer efforts of both individuals and organization throughout the Greater New Orleans community.

Mary’s Songis a twelve to eighteen month faith based residential program. Our program

consists of three phases in which the women receive a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, equipping them with the necessary life skills to become productive members of society. In the first phase the women spend six months at our induction center in New Orleans. The second phase is also six months in duration and focuses on dealing with anger, fear and conflict management. The optional third phase is an additional six months which helps prepare graduates to re-enter society. The re-entry phase is vital to personal growth, goal setting and learning how to make healthy decisions.


Third phase students will have the opportunity to attend Bethesda Bible College and/or pursue a vocation of their choice during the third phase, which is located at our Airline Campus in Metairie, Louisiana. We have recently added a new dimension to the third phase of our program which offers graduates of first and second phases the opportunity to be reunited with their children, living together in a godly environment. This opportunity provides both mother and child with the chance to restore their broken relationships and develop healthy ones that are centered on Christ.


In the first and second phases, the women work four hours, five days a week cleaning Victory Fellowship’s church facilities, build healthy work ethics, our. They are not allowed to have outside employment and will not be paid while in the program.


During the day, first and second phase students spend time in the classroom for four hours each day studying the Teen Challenge International group studies curriculum, and other books by anointed pastors and teachers.


The Teen Challenge curriculum discusses a wide range of emotional and social issues the women deals with in their daily life such as:

  • Attitudes – What are attitudes? How do we develop new attitudes? What is the right attitude to have when being criticized or corrected?
  • Temptation – What is temptation? Why do we get tempted? How can we prepare for temptation?
  • Growing Through Failure – What causes failure? What God does when you fail. Steps to recovery from failure. The role of forgiveness and restitution in recovery.
  • Obedience to Man – Why should you obey your leaders? Introduces guidelines on obeying your leader.
  • Anger and Personal Rights – Discusses why we get angry and how we express our anger. What are some practical ways to deal with your anger?
  • Love and Accepting Myself – What is love? What does the Bible say about love? What does it mean to accept yourself? What are the steps to developing a positive self image?
  • Personal Relationships With Others – Discusses how to be a good friend and how to develop different kinds of friendships.
  • Anger and Personal Rights – Discusses why we get angry and how we express our anger. What are some practical ways to deal with your anger?



Our second phase curriculum builds upon what the women have learned during their first six months in the classroom with such topics are:

  • Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps – An in-depth 25 week study a Biblical balanced program to help women over come hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theories. Weekly workbook titles are: Stepping out of denial into God’s grace, Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory Getting Right with God and Others Growing in Christ While Helping Others How To Avoid Relapsing into Our Addictions
  • Managing My Anger – Teaching women to recognize and manage feelings of anger and frustration in an appropriate way. This workbook, “Anger: Our Master or Our Slave” is intended to be used in a group format with students who are learning to manage their feelings and behaviors accompanying anger.
  • Making Peace with Others – Teaching women how to recognize and respond to conflicts with others and equipping them to become peacemakers in difficult situations. This workbook “The Peacemaker” is intended to be used in a group format with students who are learning to deal with conflicts that disrupt their peace and unity with others.
  • Bringing Restoration to My Family – Teaching women how to overcome the effects of abusive relationships. This class covers a broad range of abuse related topics 1-Abandonment 2- Spouse Abuse—Victims and Batterers 3- Children of Abuse—Victims and Co-Victims. This workbook “Restoring Families” is intended to be used in a group format with students who are recovering from abusive situations.
  • Overcoming Anorexia and Bulimia – Teaching women how to recognize and overcome their eating-disordered. This workbook “Seeing Yourself in God’s Image” helps to uncover the underlying emotional and perceptual characteristic problems causing the eating disorder and restoring their self image.


Students spend a portion of each morning in worship and in Bible study. Weekly counseling is provided to help them learn to understand their emotions, trigger points and behavior problems. Students who have not received a High School diploma will be required to obtain their GED. They also participate in choir hour, art class, jewelry making and learn to make organic candles, soaps and facial products. We also grow organic vegetables, which we use in daily meals at the center.