HEB 6:19 “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil”
I will never forget the great raft expedition of 2014. Frank and I decided while in Hawaii to take a zodiac raft to the Na Pali coast. Anything on the seas is a challenge for me, so with seasick pills taken, and sea bands on I was ready. On the way out we saw the coastline and unparalleled beauty all around. I was so happy! When we were pulling out from our lunch stop, I saw a huge sea turtle upside down right beside me. The Captain and the crew started yelling that it was a tiger shark and in it’s mouth was this turtle. Within seconds it disappeared into the deep. Frank and I were stunned needless to say! Here was all this beauty and wonder and right below us lay scary stuff! Even snorkeling afterwards was quite a step of faith! I thank God through all the thick and thin of life- there lays an anchor down deep below both sure and steadfast for my soul. Jesus has undertaken this for us.This isn’t about how strong our boat is, but the unseen anchor that it is tied to will hold us fast. Andrew Murray says, “that He is ready, He longs, as God Himself to work in us all that He has promised. He cannot do this except we open our hearts to Him, and yield ourselves in stillness and surrender for Him to do His work.” Tiger sharks may abound but there is an anchor that will hold me through the darkness of the deep. Do you know that “it is impossible for God to lie?” Murray goes onto to say, “OH, IF WE WOULD BUT TAKE TIME TO TARRY IN THE PRESENCE OF THIS GOD, AND TO LISTEN TO HIM SWEARING TO US THAT HE WILL BE FAITHFUL, SURELY WE SHOULD FALL DOWN IN CONFUSION THAT WE EVER HARBORED FOR A MOMENT THE DOUBT, WHICH THINKS IT’S POSSIBLE THAT HE MAY BE UNTRUE AND NOT KEEP HIS WORD.” I love this verse in Duet.33:13 when Jacob prophesied over Joseph, “And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath.” Joseph found his anchor in that dungeon. Something was waiting for him in the deep-the great intercessor himself who went beyond the veil. Instead of trying to get out of your storm why not wait and see what the Master of the Ship says—–I know this, He has gone before you!