“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? Jer.32:27
Our lives as Christians can be so rich, so full. Have you ever felt like you are in a movie? (no-not a horror show kind!) Christ’s footprint is upon this earth and touches mankind and it is amazing! Two incidents that might appear as opposites happened to me today. One was a Marysong girl went into labor and had a precious baby girl. (Valentine’s Day) I could go on and on how much a miracle this mother having and keeping this baby is, but I think you can imagine. Redemption is always at work, never sleeps and grows deep within us.

Simpson said this, “He pardons with pardons! When He casts our sins away, it is not into a shallow pool, it is into the depths of the sea, when he throws it away, it is not on one side, it is behind him. Will you arithmeticians measure the distance which is meant by behind the infinite. Have you ever measured distance which is meant by behind the infinite? When God takes a man’s sins away from him, he puts them as far from him as the east is from the west. So when God comes to pardon us, he pardons with pardons, with pardons again and again, wave upon wave, until we say, “thou hast done exceedingly above all that we ask.”

The other story was this, I attended a long time girlfriends 60th birthday, surrounded by many of her friends and family. She also is fighting for her life having been diagnosed with a inoperable brain tumor, believing in the miraculous healing of God. Again I cried seeing her, seeing the effects of her battle, but rejoiced with her as she talked about heaven and healing. A baby once rejected is embraced, a women beating the odds, resting in His promises. Yes we live in a world of miracles! I pray you will embrace the plan of God for you and know he has the ball and always has. He does the impossible!

Simpson again says, ” The finite can never grasp the infinite and our poor mortal capacities cannot hold God’s idea of pardon. We may have some notion of forgiveness, but not until you yourself have entered personally into the mystery of this forgiveness, can you understand or have any hint of the depth of the sea into which God has cast the sins of which we have repented. “

Redemption is the biggest miracle of all. It isn’t prejudice of the recipient, but it requires that it completely takes over and conquers the beast within.