“He made its pillars of silver, the bottom of it of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst of it being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem” Song of Solomon 3:10
There is nothing better than to spend our days smothered in thoughts of redemption. The world smells sweeter and our eyes see things that we haven’t seen before. The work upon men’s hearts is such a mystery! Who can describe it, contain it or corral it! One minute we speak of someone being a monster and then in a twinkle of an eye-they can be forever changed. It is hard for unbelievers and Pharisees to imagine this. What an honor to not only experience His love personally and find myself to be a part of His redemption plan to mankind. He paves our lives with love from the beginning to the end!

Matthew Henry says, “The church is well guarded; more are with her than are against her: believers, when they repose in Christ, and with him, though they have their fears in the night, are yet safe. The chariot here denotes the covenant of redemption, the way of our salvation. This is that work of Christ, which makes him loved and admired in the eyes of believers. It is framed and contrived, both for the glory of Christ, and for the comfort of believers; it is well ordered in all things and sure. The blood of the covenant, that rich purple, is the cover of this chariot, by which believers are sheltered from the wind and storms of Divine wrath, and the troubles of this world; but the midst of it is that love of Christ which passes knowledge, this is for believers to repose upon.”

We can get so veered off the course of redemption that we lose sight of the finished work of Christ in our lives. We manage to pick up our burdens and the works of the flesh all over again. Our joy flies out the window and Mr. Grumpy Man comes to life. The traffic bothers us, our neighbor’s dog and our boss’s voice and in general everything is grey.

But when we learn to grow in grace, keep to the cross and cling to the love of God you will be kept safe in his holy palanquin. We will find ourselves sleeping in it, waking in it, eating and drinking in it. Wherever you are, Love surrounds you. It is in the atmosphere you breathe. “The midst thereof is paved with love for the daughters of Jerusalem.” There is no love like the Love of God in Christ. It is love which to us has become this day our brightest thought, our truest comfort and our guidepost to life. Today wherever you go, remember it is “paved with love”.