
MERRY MONDAY BY PARRIS – You see rocks, I see stone soup!

“That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?” Joshua 4:6
Joshua finally crossed the Jordan River at Gilgal. He and Caleb would be the only two survivors from the 40 year wilderness ordeal. Crossing into the promise land was to him an eternal moment. He commanded that they bring 12 stones out of that river to remember that a whole generation died full of unbelief. This year will be our 27th year doing Feed The Multitudes. To some it will be another year eating with barbecue & family thankful for the day off, and a few more will be thankful for their freedom. July 4th represents our spiritual freedom that we have been given as a nation and the cost it came with. For Frank and I, Feed the Multitudes has become a memorial about when God taught us to give out of our own need. Stone soup truly turned into a supernatural event.

Too many of us live upside down for too long. Dwelling on the ‘have not’s’ rather than what God has given. Our lists never stop and the news just keeps feeding our lust for more vengeance. Stop seeing the rocks and turn them into memorials. Over 27 years ago, Frank and I found ourselves with a big ole list of what we thought was gigantic needs and mishaps. Facing bankruptcy with four small mouths to feed was overwhelming and staring at failure was daunting. We saw rocks but in reality it was stone soup. He is the God that shows up, twenty seven FTM’S have passed since that first small FEED THE MULTITUDES and in so many ways it left an imprint upon our lives. Find the hurting and in return God will not only supply their need through you but increase your joy in giving. Joshua crossed over, he left years of the horrible memories of the wilderness. He saw so many lose their grasp on the God of provision. I pray this July 4th, as you celebrate our God given freedom, that you too remember the goodness of the Lord over your life and your loved ones. It came with a cost! Pray over our precious nation and our new president and remain faithful at your post! Tell your testimony to others and pour out to your community that God has placed you in. Don’t die in the wilderness of doubt and unbelief! Take out your stone of provision and keep it close to your heart!