
As we are committed to God, He commits to changing us inwardly 

My name is Kelly Baca. My journey before Mary’s Song Restoration Center was filled with drugs, alcohol, depression, and every sort of debauchery. I was released from a psych ward on the condition that I would attend a drug rehab program. You see, I had taken a mass quantity of narcotics to end my life. I had no idea of what great plans God had for me because I believed the lie that life just what it was, and I would always be a drug addict with no hope or future. I entered Mary’s Song with skepticism. Little did I know that this place would be the entrance to relationship with the Living God! One day during worship at the old wooden cross the Lord spoke to me as I had finally lifted my hands in surrender. This was my invite to salvation. Can you believe it? The One True Living God of the universe picked me to save! From this moment, my life changed forever. My outlook, my countenance, my very person became a new creation.

To fast forward a bit, I graduated Mary’s Song, dated an amazing man of God from my Co-Ed Care Group, and fell completely head over heels in love! It wasn’t long before we would be married. So, I married my best friend Brandon, and two weeks later moved to El Dorado, Arkansas for Brandon’s job. Exodus 33:14 He said, “My Presence, will go with you and I will give you rest”. We followed the Presence of the Lord to El Dorado Frist Assembly to our new church family where I would become their Administrative Assistant! All my skills I had learned from my internship with Mary’s Song are being put to great use.

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes, well you all know what comes next. A baby! Let me just tell you of my miracle. I wasn’t even sure if I could have babies considering I had endometriosis very badly and doctors said, “You may not be able to have children because of this condition.” Ha! They must not know my Great Physician. We were able to conceive and on April 7, 2017 we had our little boy Damian Gray Baca. It was prophesied over us that our household would be one of CELEBRATION and let me tell you my Damian is the sweetest, happiest, most joyful baby I have ever seen. God is so infinitely good! My husband and I serve our church with gladness in the EFA Kids Corner and security team. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belong to such as these.” Matt 19:14. We pray that we can reach these little ones and teach them their value, their worth, and tell them of their inheritance, JESUS!

As we are committed to God, He commits to changing us inwardly. He who began a good work will be faithful to complete the work He started in us. Mary’s Song was just the beginning! I may not know why I had so many obstacles in life, but I sure am glad God knew what He was doing! Forever grateful for the Blood of the Lamb. I continue to grow, because growth doesn’t and shouldn’t stop for a follower of Jesus, He speaks to my spirit repeatedly. Like Moses hidden in the cleft of the rock, I will pass by you again and again and show you my glory!