“The very stone the masons rejected as flawed
has turned out to be the most important capstone of the arch,
holding up the very house of God.
The Lord himself is the one who has done this,
and it’s so amazing, so marvelous to see!” Ps. 118:22

It’s amazing how blind one can be to God all around us. We are so bent on why He didn’t come through for us in one situation when right in front of us the heavenly architect is at work, for He never stops. Years ago right after the garbage pick up came to my house I noticed a small folded up piece of paper by the trash can. When I went to pick it up I noticed that it was neatly folded up into squares. Hesitating at the trash can, I opened up all the squares and out came a large diamond inside. Just think, I almost threw the rubbish away not knowing the precious stone was inside! What a special day that was for me!

It was the same way during Jesus’ time. While the Jewish people were standing around staring at the beautiful edifice of the temple and all of it’s handiwork, the real temple was standing right next to them. Jesus even remarked to the crowd that he would rise again in three days. Christ was called the “headstone of the corner” and they/we discarded him as rubbish. Christ was cast outside as useless, unnoticed and aggressively treated as an enemy. Man loves to build his towers of Babel constructing man’s ideas, thoughts, and percepts, but all of that will topple. All along Christ was the stone of God’s own quarrying and preparing. From the extraordinary birth, to His signs, wonders and miracles, God set him apart. He fulfilled all the prophecies yet we did esteem him not. “We chased him out of this world and flung away God’s precious jewel because this world’s counterfeit outshone in our eyes”. Spurgeon

Today Christ comes to be the chief cook and bottle washer to our spiritual building. We find Jesus digging among the rubbish of our lives and then call us his precious stones in his quarry. He bonds us to himself and will bring out the precious diamonds in us all. The head of the corner joins God and man together in time and eternity! For this is the Lord’s doing and is marvelous in our eyes. To them that believe he is forever precious! He becomes the beauty and the ornament of the true building. He is the sure foundation that has been laid in our lives while men continue today to build corrupt buildings out of evil designs. Do you believe the heavenly architect knows what he is doing in your own life? Don’t let the tower of Babel become the voice of your future for it will come to naught! Christ himself is building us up together in him; allow the master carpenter to work within!