At an early age my mother and step father insisted that my brother and I attend Christian Church services and Sunday School each and every Sunday. I was made to ask for forgiveness for my sins and invite our Lord God into my heart. I never really understand what I was actually doing or saying.

Throughout my adult life I have faltered from faith. Slowly, I’ve tried to make my way back to the Lord our God by attending church but never denouncing my sins and inviting the Lord into my heart again but continuously turning back to sin, men and drugs as well as many attempts of suicide.

I’ve tried to repair my life by going to drug treatment programs and denouncing the terrible life choices I had continuously made until I finally decided to try and do the right thing and come here to Victory Church and Mary’s Song.

I feel our Lord God and savior led me here to finally accept help from Him and his word. Yesterday Ms. Ashley Milner helped me invite the Lord God into my heart and ask his forgiveness of all sins and let me tell you: I have NEVER felt better!

As we move through this Glorious Day, I cannot wait to be born again and baptized for the very first time in my 45 year old life. I am overcome with nothing but pure love for him and joy to make this extremely important time matter, finally by taking the righteous path we all should be walking.