Ro 12:3: “For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith”.

There is nothing like having the faith of God. F.F. Bruce says, ”Faith is the organ which enables people to see the invisible order”.

The Greek word here for faith is Pistis. Faith is like the strong man that comes to lift anything out of the equation that stands in your way. Even when we are faithless he is faithful, are you joyless? He gives the joy! Faith is a gift that comes from God when our faith runs empty. It is never something that we can produce on our own by any human effort or set of religious works. When we bask in his word daily it will prepare the soil of our hearts for the supernatural! Strong’s word studies calls it; “GODS DIVINE PERSUASION” and goes onto to say, “for the Lord continually births faith in the yielded believer so they can know what He prefers.” As a believer we learn to pray according to His will for Jesus never did anything outside of the Father’s will. Strongs continues with , “Faith is God’s warranty, certifying that the revelation He in-birthed in us will come to pass. The Lord offers to in-birth faith in each scene of life – so that each matters equally in eternity . . . no matter how insignificant they seem.” I love that!

My friend, do you find yourself discouraged? Praying the same old prayers and feeling like it is cast into the wind? You can be Divinely persuaded by God himself to “stand still and see the salvation of God over your circumstances. He is the one giving you the ability to pray those prayers even though you are tired and weary. They come from above and move men by the holy ghost to believe for the impossible. Is your heart filled with promises? Christ births those promises in our hearts over the years and seals it with his guarantee! Keep burning the midnight oil, keep your lamps trimmed and burning. Everyday he brings his Divine Persuasion into our lives to get up and keep it a going. Yield to him today!