Disarming Love

By Pastor Rachel Young

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given;

I love this scripture! The reality that Christ came to me in the vulnerability of an infant leaves me UNDONE! How can a heart not be moved by such condescension, humility, and love? And from the One who breathes out galaxies and creates life from the dust!

In my years at Mary’s Song, I have been moved by many heart-wrenching stories of pain and abuse. Much of the traumas these women have endured happened when they were little children at the hands of those who should have been protecting them. Such experiences cause a heart to become hardened to love and unable to trust. I can confidently say that none of these women, including myself, would ever willingly choose to become babies again no matter the reward. To even consider such a thing in our dark and unpredictable world is unthinkable. No one would willingly choose to do so. No one except One.

Jesus knew that His love was the only remedy for our hopeless condition. Fully seeing and knowing to whom He would make Himself subject, He willingly left the majesty and perfection of heaven to become a defenseless infant so that He could save us from ourselves! Despite the fact that He was God wrapped in newborn skin, He would still be subject to the same afflictions common to man. He would still be susceptible to pain, neglect, abuse, and the helplessness of infancy. Yet, love moved Him! Jesus willingly chose not only to give Himself FOR us, but to give Himself TO us! Wow! What manner of love is this?! This is love that heals, renews, and transforms!

This precious love, presented to our hearts like a newborn baby, disarms all of our defenses. What was once obstructed by fear and distrust is flooded with hopeful expectation and joy unspeakable as Christ’s supernatural life is birthed within us! For unto US a Child is born, unto US a Son is given! Immanuel, God with us! The love of God wrapped in swaddling clothes and given to ME! Wow! This is the miracle of Christmas!

I pray that you find yourself wrapped in His unfathomable love this Christmas! God Bless!