
Pastor Rachael Mendez

When the LORD restored the captives of Zion, we were like dreamers. Then our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with shouts of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.”…Psalms 126:1

         I’ve been pondering the patriarchs of our faith recently- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and how encountering God causes us to dream! Not just any dream but grand, supernatural, and lasting of value kind of dreams!

        Their story begins in Genesis chapter 11 immediately following the story of the fall of the Tower of Babel. We are introduced to Abram (later known as Abraham)  from the city of Ur. This is in close proximity to the people of Babel who were characterized by their lust for power, status, and wealth. They relied upon their own human will and strength, apart from the true source, God. 

       But God calls to Abraham and says he has a new and better way of being for him and his descendants. God calls him out of the city, or way of living that he has known, into a new type of city whose founder and builder would be the Lord. He goes on to have Issac, the son of promise then Isaac has Jacob ( later called Israel) & Esau. Jacob must have known there was something to this dream giving God of his father and grandfather as we read of him tricking his older brother Esau for the birthright and blessing. He lives up to his name which means supplanter or the one who takes the place of another through force, scheming or striving. Sounds like he still has some of those ancestral babel ways of self effort and leaning on human will power to succeed. 

       Yet, one night while running for his life from his brother’s wrath, he lays his head on a rock for a pillow and the God of his fathers begins to break in on him through a dream! He sees a ladder reaching to heaven from earth with the angels ascending and descending upon it and the Lord standing above the ladder. This was the turning point for Jacob- the moment he starts to realize as his father and grandfather had to learn as well, it’s God’s dreams we must pursue and it’s God who enables them to come to pass.  Our job is one of surrender and walking by faith. 

      So many women come to Mary’s Song like Abraham looking for a new way. They hear God’s call to them of a better,more perfect promise based on Christ and begin their God dream journey. Some are like Jacob and discover that it’s Jesus who stands above the ladder as mediator between them and God. They see Jesus is the bridge causing their dreams of walking in God’s blessing and promises to come to pass. They cease all their striving and let God do the work of redemption both in and through them. 

         Are you dreaming with God? If so, What are you dreaming For? Is it for freedom from some emotional distress or an addictive behavior that you can’t seem to break on your own? It is a dream to live a life of eternal purpose or maybe simply just a better way than what you’re experiencing now. Are you dreaming for that family member to come to know the living Christ?  Or perhaps you have been discouraged for so long that you’ve lost hope altogether to dream heaven’s dreams. 

    Whatever the longing or whatever the discouragement,    know this- God is the dream giver and the dream restorer! He’s also the dream fulfiller. He has a time of visitation for you and that’s today! Spend time to seek him today, have faith in his spoken words and you’ll find yourself free to laugh and sing out faith’s redemptive songs.  You’ll be like those who dream. 

In Him,
Pastor Rachael Mendez