God’s Love Letter

By Tanya Dubroc

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord; I will imprint My laws upon their minds {even upon their innermost thoughts and understanding}, and engrave them upon their hearts {effecting their regeneration}. And I will be their God, and they shall be My people. (Heb. 8:10) AMP

The Apostle Paul was a person that astounded and confounded many people in his day. This was a man who went around harassing, imprisoning, and killing Christians that is until he had an encounter that would forever change the course of his life. Paul met Jesus and on that day God’s letter of love would be imprinted on his heart forever. The man who had a heart of stone now had a heart that was made of flesh and pliable a heart that was frapped by the love of God. This was a miraculous encounter that caused many people to take notice. A person who on one day was headed down the wrong path and then suddenly does an about face. This is the love of God poured out in Paul’s heart forever by the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 5:5) The Spirit that causes the heart to will and do of His good pleasure. (Phil. 2:13) Paul knew this first hand and spoke about it in the letter to the (Corinthians 2:2-3) “You are our letter {of recommendation}, written in our hearts, recognized and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of hearts. We are a sign and a wonder to the world around us a letter of love written by the hand of the Father with His golden pen. Coming through Mary’s Song three times I thought I was a hopeless case. I tried and tried many times in my own strength to change, to no avail, until that one day I encountered the love of Christ that unlocked my heart and forever changed the path I was on. This is what all the ladies coming through this program encounter the Love of the Father and there is nothing this world has to offer that can compare to Him. We are living, breathing, proofs that with God all things are possible as many of us are now working here. A word from Charles Spurgeon: Beloved, when you and I are privileged to do anything for Christ, let us remember that we are only like the poor stone out of the brook ~ that there is nothing in it ~ and that unto God must be all the glory. This writing upon the hearts is hard work. I confess that I never could ~ and I never expect to be able to write God’s holy Law on a human heart. No Beloved, the heart is locked up to tightly for us to get at it. But God has the key and He opens the sheets, one after another, and begins to write with His own pen the blessed commandments of His new and perfect Law. Jesus is the great writer, for Jesus knows hearts! He is divine and Omniscient and, therefore He knows hearts. And He is a Man ~ every pang that rends the heart has rent His heart.