“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity. To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19
Back in the Old Testament every 50th year the Jewish nation declared it the year of Jubilee. It was a year of general release of debts and obligations. Slaves could get their land back again and released back to their families. Jesus related that scripture to His coming and the message of the Gospel. Whether we realize it or not, the Gospel is powerful when we learn to open our mouth. The Gospel causes the sick to return to health, those in darkness to come to the light. Others get a mighty deliverance and get illuminated. So many live miserable lives only to find happiness in Christ. Many who feel poor, broken down and surrounded by calamity find hope and a light for their path. The Gospel never ceases to amaze me! What a message for the troubled world today! Did you know Christ has set you apart and designed you for this very purpose to spread this message of hope? Way too many people are leading a life of destruction heavy laden with guilt, shame and remorse for they are unable to break the cycle that led them into hurt pain and misery. Jesus was looking on all those that were listening to them and said “TODAY THIS IS FULFILLED IN YOUR EARS”. It even says that all eyes were fastened upon Him. Spurgeon said, “He was a stranger, and they took him in. He was food, and they fed on him. He was living water, and they received him, drank him up, took him into themselves. He was light, and they received the light. He was life, and they received the life, and they lived by what they received. As the empty cup receives from the flowing fountain, so do we receive Christ into our emptiness. We, being poor, and naked, and miserable, come to Him, and we receive riches, and clothing, and happiness in him. Salvation comes by receiving Christ.You must take Him from Himself as a gift to you, then will you truly give your heart to Him.” Reach out and take your divine appointment. The Spirit of God desires to use you to release others from captivity. To bring this precious gospel to your arena or sphere of influence. New Orleans needs a voice—this is the year of Jubilee. You will be amazed how the glorious gospel will change your family, your life and the world. Step into your divine appointment!