“Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.” 2 Cor. 1:24

Sometimes ministers or lay leaders think their ministries are so hard and exhausting. My opinion is that they have missed the whole point of what they are doing. Somewhere they got lost along the way, making it all about their strength and ability. Yes, that is exhausting and impossible! Christ alone is the source or fountain that we must continually draw from everyday! Spring up oh well within me and make me drink from those eternal streams! I love the Apostle Paul when he writes about how he is a helper of their joy. Listen to my paraphrase; “I am not here to boss or lord over you, but my purpose is to give direction to your true source of joy, one that will sustain, uphold and direct you throughout your life”. Can you imagine having a job that helps you receive joy and eternal joy at that? We become an outsource of God’s joy to others. What a life!

Amplified says it like this; “Not that we rule like dictators over your faith, but rather we work with your for the increase of your joy; for in your faith your stand firm.”

We are not here to control people with our hardhat religion! As Jesus says, laying heavy burdens upon people’s backs, rules that we can’t even live up to ourselves. I have said all along that Christianity is a win, win, it’s Cinderella embracing her knight and shining armor. But this knight not only forgives us but eradicates our debt eternally and lives in us, bringing us unspeakable joy forever. John Piper goes on to say in his book, (Helpers of your Joy); “There is only one explanation for God’s sacrifice for us. It is not us. It is “the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7). It is all free. It is not a response to our worth. It is the overflow of his infinite worth. In fact, that is what divine love is in the end: a passion to enthrall undeserving sinners, at great cost, with what will make us supremely happy forever, namely, his infinite beauty. The best news in the world is that there is no conflict between your greatest possible happiness and God’s perfect holiness. Being satisfied with all that God is for you in Jesus magnifies him as the greatest treasure and brings you more joy—eternal, infinite joy—than any other delight ever could.”

Join the joyful army of God dispelling love and happiness to all. It doesn’t have to be burdensome but flows out of your innermost being. Christ becomes displayed among others as we live to glorify him in his beauty and he in turn makes us abound in joy. Become to others a “helper in their joy”.