Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift! 2 COR. 9:15
Yesterday I had the pleasure of baptizing about 20 adults and children at our annual “FEED THE MULTITUDES EVENT”. Before I prayed with them to accept Jesus as their Savior, I asked about any need they might have. One lady and man were homeless and had lost their way. A little girl who stopped breathing at birth wanted to follow Jesus. My last baptism was a lady totally strung out on heroin praying for deliverance, then I baptized her 10 year old daughter who wanted Jesus. I couldn’t help be affected by the circumstances and the hopelessness they all had found themselves in and made me thankful because this easily could have been me. I just love REDEMPTION! The Apostle Paul again makes up some Greek Word that is only mentioned once to try to describe Christ himself. He is utterly indescribable! IF PEOPLE ONLY KNEW! The world may think that it has left the teaching of Jesus behind, but in reality Christ teaching is far ahead of the time. The Gospel is the guide of the human race. When we find Christ we never cease to make new discoveries in the unsearchable riches of Christ. Even we are full, there still remains abundant basketfuls to be taken up. For in Christ are hid ‘all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. MacClaren said, “When God gave us Him, He gave us a storehouse in which are contained treasures of truth which can never be fully comprehended, and which, even if comprehended, can never be exhausted. The mystery of the Divine Name revealed in Jesus, the mystery of His person, are themes on which the Christian world has been nourished ever since, and which are as full of food, not for the understanding only, but far more for the heart and the will, to-day as ever they were. He who has sounded the depths of Jesus most completely is ever the first to acknowledge that he has been but as a child ‘gathering pebbles on the beach while the great ocean lies unsounded before him.’ No single soul, and no multitude of souls, can exhaust Jesus; neither our individual experiences, nor the experiences of a believing world can fully realize the endless wealth laid up in Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega of all our speech, the first letter and the last of our alphabet, between which lie all the rest.”
It is easy to utter the words ‘forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, fellowship, eternal life; but who knows the depths of the meanings? I believe the half has not been told us, and everyone of us carries within himself unrevealed emotions, revelations and mysteries that Christ wants us to pursue! Let Christ be formed within me is my prayer. See you at the beach gathering those nuggets!