A struggling mother who overcame her opioid addiction


My name is Jamie Driver and I’m 44 years old. Before Mary’s Song I lived a life of drug addiction, homelessness, depression, and complete defeat. Over the years I had lost everything and everyone meaningful to me. I was raised an only child in a dysfunctional home. My parents were either not present at all or abusive when they were around me. I had no sense of security or love in my life so fear and self-hatred took the driver’s seat. I became a rebel and lived a lesbian life style because of my past abuse. God still blessed me with two beautiful daughters whom I was unable to raise due to convictions and prison time. Everything that happened was brought on by the need to suppress, cover, and numb my feelings with drugs.

Before coming to Mary’s Song I had tried several different rehabs that taught me the “12 step program”. It wasn’t until I came to Mary’s Song did I learn how instrumental the Holy Spirit is in changing my life. He not only changed my life but also completely transformed it. The only way we can stay sober is to find a substance stronger then the one we are using to fill the void. I tried several different “substances” but none of them did what the Holy Spirit has done in my life at Mary’s Song. Jesus is my substance now! I no longer seek the validation from men or women. My peace comes from God! I’m not searching for love and acceptance anymore. I’ve found a joy greater then life itself. It’s unspeakable! Since I’ve been at Mary’s Song my desires have changed. I have gained a deeper relationship with Jesus. I have no doubt that I’m in His will for my life and that He has called me higher! I’m excited to do whatever He has next for my life

1 Corinthians 2:9 But, as it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.

“The only way we can stay sober is to find a substance stronger then the one we are using to fill the void. I tried several different “substances” but none of them did what the Holy Spirit has done in my life at Mary’s Song. Jesus is my substance now!”