By Tanya Dubroc
“You are the light of [Christ to] the world.”
Matthew 5:11
We are image bearers of Jesus Christ to the world around us. This scripture still amazes me every time I read it. And I will tell you why. My life in no way reflected light or life at one point. I was covered in darkness. To look in my eyes prior to being saved was to be staring into a hollow void of nothingness. I was broken and locked away within the confines of my own heart. And I lived amongst the dead. Until the light of Christ shined in my heart and broke those chains, setting me free from a lifetime of trauma, pain, rejection, and grief. Every now and then I will look at that old picture and I find myself staring into the face of someone I no longer recognize. Thank you, Jesus! My life has been changed. Jesus has renewed my mind, filled me with hope, and faith for the future. He’s also filled me with the faith to believe for the lives of women who come through the doors of Mary’s Song. As I have been blessed with being able to work here and partner with the holy Spirit in being a light to those around me. In John 8:12 Jesus states “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” Jesus saves us and sets us free so that we can be a light and source of comfort to those around us to let them know it is possible to be free. I am a living, breathing testimony of someone who once walked in darkness, but I have seen a great light.
A word from Charles Spurgeon:
“The believer’s light manifests great and important truths. We are light-bearers by bearing testimony to the Lord Jesus and his divine gospel. “Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord.” We have believed, and therefore speak; we have felt the healing power of the gospel, and therefore we proclaim it. It is the great object of our lives to make known the gospel of Christ in every place, holding forth the word of God, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves, and labouring to enlighten every man as to the things which make for his peace. In this way we become instruments of comfort, for as light chases away gloom, and it is a pleasant thing to behold the sun, so are believers the gladdeners of the world. The wilderness and the solitary place are glad for them; those who sit in the region of the shadow of death rejoice that to them light is brought by means of believers; when they come to the dying sons of men in the power of the Spirit their feet are beautiful upon the mountains, for they publish salvation. Saints are sons of consolation, lamps which cheer the night. Their light is a guiding light which leads wanderers to the place of rest, and a saving light, for it manifests Jesus to sinners. See your calling, my brethren, admire it, be humbled that ye have not fulfilled it better; and ask for grace that, as the lights in the world, ye may be all that such a figure signifies.