“O that I knew where i might find him!”

Job 23:3

Job’s desire to find God happened when everything else was taken from him. Sometimes God has a way of getting our attention. Well, my friend He is not hard to find. Jesus said he stands at the door and knocks waiting for us just to open. Even when are walking with Him on a daily basis, Jesus comes and creates in us a new hunger in our lives for more. Staying stirred up and letting yourself be yielded to the Holy Ghost is our quest.

“What I/we need is a good Holy Ghost revival. What does “Revival” mean? Some say it is simply recalling something from obscurity- finding some hidden treasure and bringing it back to the light.Yesterday, Frank and I were doing business with a woman that keep referring to herself as an “old time pentecostal”. But presently you could see that whatever touched her was indeed long, long ago. I wonder how many of us can recite stories of how God touched us way back when and yet presently we are so very far removed from the very thing that changed our lives. I think every one of us must acknowledge that we are living in a time of need. I doubt if there is a family in the world that has not some relative whom they would like to see brought into the fold of God, and who needs salvation. In Song of Solomon 3:1 it says, “By night I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.” Some say, she had a dream that He had departed. So she got up to find Him. The word sought, means to have perseverance and determination to find that treasure. Job found Him in the midst of his storm. He comes to us walking on the water and bids us to walk out and join Him. He will calm the seas of your inward battles and the battles without and all around us. He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is the shepherd of our souls. Sometimes we have to make a conscious choice if we will seek Him and let him carry our burdens. I pray your pentecostal experience isn’t buried along with all of your golden memories of yesterday. Stir again that precious gift within and let the fire fall.