Sasha’s new life after drugs

In June of 2016, I was broken and ashamed of my life at 30 years old. I had nothing to show for, over a decade of substance abuse, and broken relationships with family and friends. All of the doors closed around me except for one…..
 The Holy Spirit drew me to Mary’s Song on June 6, 2016, and my life has never been the same! Being there taught me how to be still in the presence of God, fall in love with Jesus, and He opened my eyes to His written Word like never before. I went from being “religious”, and thought I “knew” God so well, to ENCOUNTERING the living God! My desires for drugs and alcohol changed to desiring more and more of God’s presence. I began to surrender all of my expectations and plans, and gave God my life to do whatever He wanted to do with it.
“My desires for drugs and alcohol changed to desiring more and more of God’s presence!”
  Part of that surrender was giving God my desires of being married one day. A desire I had since I was 12 years old. I told God to close that door if it wasn’t His plan for me, and I truly accepted the answer…..
  On April 27, 2019, the waiting met the promise, and I married my godly man Edward Schneider! He is my gift, and answered prayer that only came when I made God my true and only source of love and joy. We can love each other now with the love of Jesus, and he too has been delivered from a life of addiction and bondage.
  I am so thankful that I finally let go, and trusted God with writing my love story with God, and now my husband! God is faithful and He really does keep all of His promises. I am so grateful He kept my feet from stumbling, and now my life is finally unfolding the way it should be…… With Christ in the center.
  “Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough you bring to me. Hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say.” Psalms 51:12