“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46

Of course this scripture captures my heart. After all I named our women’s restoration center “Mary’s Song”. I love to zero in on a word, and this time it’s the word magnify. The word magnify means to greaten God and enlarge. Spurgeon said, ‘If you cannot magnify God, it probably is because you are magnifying yourself. May the Lord cut self down and make nothing of you, and then you will make everything of him. When you sink in your own estimation, then will God rise in your esteem.”
Mary went through absolute self-surrender to fulfill the Divine Purpose! Here we see the human and the divine mixing together. Expositor’s Bible says, ‘Heaven touches earth, comes down into it, that earth may evermore touch heaven.” Mary was beginning her life long journey of learning to sing through the storm. When Simeon met her in the temple, and prophesied how Jesus would be a “sign spoken against”, Mary pondered in her heart what all these sayings meant, “forming a mental mosaic” of the Christ who was to be. To see and experience the glory of God usually means suffering and the fire.
While the innkeeper ignored the birth, and the city of Bethlehem slept “sometimes a heavenly voice may be trying to break through the closed circle of our human notions to indicate a new generation is coming different from the other.” (Interpreter Bible) How these words out of the past must stab us awake to realize our century needs to be awakened again by his birth and the song of Mary needs to resound in us. “MY SOUL DOTH MAGNIFY!”
Again Spurgeon says, “once a soul has a deep sense of God’s mercy, and begins magnifying him, there is no end to it. This grows by what it feeds upon: the more you magnify God, the more you can magnify him. The higher you rise, the more you can see; your view of God is increased in extent; and whereas you praised him somewhat at the bottom of the hill, when you get nearer and nearer to the top of his exceeding goodness, you lift up the strain still more loudly, and your soul doth more fully and exultantly magnify the Lord.” It’s time to open our world peoples, change your view and what you are fixated on. His divine purpose is always good. Surrendering to the Divine in our life will always keep a song in our heart. “He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy.” Luke 1:53
Yes, God took one look at us, and look what happened….we become the most fortunate people in the earth! I PRAY YOU FIND CHRIST IN THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON!