“I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Ps. 81:10
“It is the nature of God to make something out of nothing; therefore, when anyone is nothing, God may yet make something of him.”  Martin Luther
The Christian’s journey never comes to a end. Even in heaven, we will be forever trying to grasp the love of God which surpasses our knowledge. Personally I am in love with the journey, yes the ups and downs and the all arounds. The question I ask myself is “am I opening my mouth wide enough!” When we step into the world of the supernatural God never stops with His amazing love.

The Expository Bible said, “Paul saw the plentitude of God’s gifts outreaching him. God’s giving surpasses immeasurably our thought and asking, but there must be the asking and thinking for it surpass. He puts always more into our hand and better things than we expected when the expectant hand is reached out to him. Man’s desire will never overtake God’s bounty.”

I found this quote by Spurgeon. “We may hunt the world through, and say, ‘This looks like a little paradise,” but there is no paradise this side of the skies – for a child of God at any rate. There is enough out there in the farmyard for the hogs, but there is not for the children. There is enough in the world for sinners, but there is not for saints. They have stronger, sharper, and more vehement desires, for they have a nobler life within them, and they desire a better country; and even if they get entangled for a while in this country, and in a certain measure become citizens of it, they are still uneasy; their citizenship is in heaven, and they cannot rest anywhere but there. After all, we confess that our best hopes are for things that are out of sight. Our expectations are our largest possessions. The things that we have, that we value, are ours today by faith. We don’t enjoy them yet, but when our heirship shall be fully manifested, and we shall come to the full ripe age, oh! then we shall come into our wealth, to the mansions and to the glory and to the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord. So, then, you see the reason why the Christian cannot go back, though he has many opportunities, lies in this, that through divine grace he has had produced in his heart desires for something better, and even when he does not as yet enjoy that something better, the desires themselves become mighty bonds that keep him from returning to what he was. Dear brethren, cultivate these desires more and more.”

I pray you continue to allow Him to break up your fallow ground and to press in for more of His love, glory and presence!