Merry Monday by Parris Bailey-

“Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:13

I would like to think that we all are on an ever increasing spiritual journey. Some Christians find themselves shipwrecked over an offense, heartbreak, or just because they were enticed by the things of this world. But for others, I pray that everyday becomes one step closer in your love walk with the Lord. I have a few books that I regard as my personal treasures. One of them is “HUDSON’S TAYLOR’S SPIRITUAL SECRET”. This book is special because first of all it was the first biography I read as a young Christian at 16. After reading Hudson’s story it became Frank’s and my passion that we would embark to China to live there, instead we embarked to New Orleans! HA! Twenty years later in ’94, I found myself again reading his life’s story, but this time I understood his spiritual secret. Now that I am older I find myself “thankful” that he has taught me to “count it all joy” when the bottom falls out of my life. Let’s read Hudson’s spin on his hardships,
“What, can Jesus meet my need? Yes, and more than meet it. No matter how intricate my path, how difficult my service; no matter how sad my bereavement, how far away my loved ones; no matter how helpless I am, how deep are my soul-yearnings-Jesus can meet all, all, and more than meet. He not only promises me rest-ah, how welcome that would be, were it all, and what an all that one word embraces! He not only promises me drink to alleviate my thirst. No, better than that! ‘He who trusts Me in this matter, out of him shall flow’….”
Taylor lived in China during a horrible time in history and was able to “live by faith”, and start the CHINA INLAND MISSION where hundreds if not thousands of missionaries were able to pour into China before the communist takeover. But it cost him everything.
He lost children and lastly he lost his wife, let’s read what he wrote to his mother: “From my inmost soul I delight in the knowledge that God does or permits all things, and causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him. He saw that it was good to take her-good indeed for her, and in His love he took her painlessly-and not less good for me who now must toil and suffer alone, yet not alone, for God is nearer to me than ever. When I think of my loss, my heart, nigh to breaking, rises to thankfulness to Him who has spared her such sorrow and made her so unspeakably happy. My tears are more tears of joy than grief. But most of all I joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ-in His works, His ways, His providence, Himself.”
I pray that before you find yourself shipwrecked that you realize God has a beautiful plan!