“After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old).” Mark 5:41
It’s nice when the atmosphere changes in the room. One can be right smack in the middle of a disagreement when the phone rings and when you go to answer it, your voice changes into pleasantness. By the time you get off the phone, you wondered what made you so unhappy. Christ has a way of changing things. In this scripture, a little girl was brought back to life. Some commentaries even hint that Jesus was speaking in a spiritual sense to women of all ages, when he took her by the hand from being dead. ‘Little girl, ARISE!”
Did you notice how he got all the “junk out of the room”. He swept away all the negativity and disposed of it. Yes, do you feel His presence even now? When Christ comes, everything always changes.
Ryan commentary says, “Let us think for a moment how wonderful was the change which took place in that house. From weeping to rejoicing–from mourning to congratulation–from death to life–how great and marvelous must have been the transition! They only can tell that, who have seen death face to face, and had the light of their households quenched, and felt the iron entering into their own souls. They, and they only, can conceive what the family of Jairus must have felt, when they saw their beloved one given back once more into their bosom by the power of Christ.”
I love this song by the Torwaits,
“When you walk into the room
Everything changes
Darkness starts to tremble
At the light that you bring
And when you walk into the room
Every heart starts burning
And nothing matters more
Than just to sit here at your feet
And worship you”
A good place to start this Merry Monday is in worshipping! He is there with you! Don’t under estimate Christ’s work of redemption. He speaks to all of us to arise from those dead paces!
Talitha-cumi! When Christ walks into the Room!