“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]” (AMP, Heb. 11.1).
As children of God, the Father gives us His eyes to see! And, with these eyes, He also gives us His believing heart! This is the only way we are able to be victorious in our broken world! Simply put, if dependent on our own perceptions and ability to see beyond our circumstances, we are doomed. Such was my life before Christ: hopeless. But now, by divine grace, I have been endowed with supernatural faculties to taste of heaven’s substance and see the
reality of God’s promises come to fruition my life!
I am empowered by this truth on a regular basis. When I counsel and disciple the girls at Mary’s Song, due to the devastating nature of their infirmities and my absolute inability to help them, it is impossible for me to function in my natural capacity for very long without becoming discouraged. It is only as I lean into God and allow His reality to consume mine that I am endued with supernatural faith to see each situation as His opportunity to be glorified! And I am infused
with joyful anticipation because I know He is a God of miracles and He will always be true to His promises! This is the victorious life of faith!
Check out Andrew Murray’s thoughts on faith, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the proving of things not seen. Faith is the spiritual faculty of the soul which deals with the spiritual realities of the future and the unseen. Just as we have our senses, through which we hold communication with the physical universe, so faith is the spiritual sense or organ through which the soul comes into contact with and is affected by the spiritual world. Just as the sense of seeing or hearing is a dormant power till the objective reality, the light or the sound, strikes it, so faith in itself is a sense with no power beyond the possibility or capacity of receiving the impressions of the eternal. lt is as an empty vessel which wants to be filled with its unseen contents. It is only when the eternal realities draw near and exercise their power that faith becomes and is the substance of things hoped for, the foundation which they lay in the soul, the
proof or conviction of things unseen, the convincing power with which they give evidence and proof of their own supernatural existence” (435-436).
Without Christ, I always expected the worst. The truth is, I was enslaved to my own negative perceptions and beliefs. I am so thankful that Jesus did not leave me to myself but adopted me into His family! By grace, who He is and everything He has, has become mine! Taste and see!