by thebaileydrink – MERRY TUESDAY BY PARRIS

“This is the unveiling of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to share with his loving servants what must occur swiftly. He clearly made it known by sending his angel to his loving servant John. I, John, bore witness to the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. A joyous blessing rests upon the one who reads this message and upon those who hear and embrace the words of this prophecy, for the appointed time is in your hands.” Rev. 1:1-4 TPT

The Passion Translation states that the “The Greek noun apokalypsis is a compound word found eighteen times in the New Testament. It combines apo (to lift) with lypsis (veil, covering), and so could be translated “the lifting of the veil” or “the unveiling.” The implication could be stated as simply, “Here he is!” It is not primarily lifting the veil off coming events, but the unveiling of Jesus.”Gills says in short that; “He is the Author and Source. He is the Head of His Church, reigning supreme in His heavenly abode. He is the Eternal Son, the Word without whom was not anything made that was made, and who executes all the purposes of the Father. He is at the same time “Head over all things to the Church.” He regulates her fortunes. He controls in her behalf the events of history. He fills the cup which He puts into her hand with prosperity or adversity, with joy or sorrow, with victory or defeat.”Christ has come to unveil himself to us! We are no longer orphans! The unveiling of our eyes and ears can happen everyday as we drink his word and understand the presence of Christ in our lives. Some of us have been veiled far too long not able to hear the voice of the bridegroom. Everyday we can experience beautiful visions of Christ. Christ will unveil himself over and over again for he is an exhaustible fountain that is willing to give us aide in our times of need. He becomes the God of all comfort. Encountering him in our personal lives is vital as we embrace and enjoy revelations from his throne.Yes its a different way of living. Inwardly discovering the hidden one alluring us deeper. When John ate the scroll it tasted of honey-my friend he is sweeter than honey! We mustn’t eat of this world’s dainties. Without a deep and abiding desire one can get lost in our surroundings-do not settle for less in your Christian walk! With our faces unveiled we can peer into the face of Christ and he becomes our magnificent obsession indeed.