“When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?”
Job 38:7
Over ten years ago our family faced personal tragedy. The Bible speaks of an evil day in fact it says: “therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.” (Eph.6:13) Well the devil paid us a visit in the evil day and almost took our son’s life, miraculously he lived. We spent 6 weeks in the hospital and months of physical therapy with two back to back weddings in between with my other sons. Needless to say all sorts of emotions were being brought up. In the middle of this nightmare of watching our son being treated as a burn patient, our precious staff begin to question our position as head pastor. Ya know sometimes it all just hits the fan. During one of our weekly pastoral staff meetings we got challenged so to speak concerning our son’s accident. I hurriedly left the meeting for I had to go back to the hospital to be with our son getting his bandages changed. God has so graciously given me a scripture about my son’s accident that I had comfort in the midst of the raging storm. But this day when I got into my car I begin to weep. There was a question that I needed answering from the Lord. I asked him where He (GOD) was when my son got hurt. It wasn’t an angry fist shaking question but just a question a mother wanted answered. That day in my car, I begin to feel His presence and His voice seems to whisper, “I was there singing over him all the way through.” What happened next is very hard to put into words. It was if He brought into the song, the car was filled with angels singing a heavenly song! I heard the angels sing! I call it the new song, the one He gives you to sing when you find yourself in a horrible pit. This song seemed to fill every space, every inch of the air I breathed, in fact if this song had color it would shine as the noon day sun. The song was so full of love that I understood how our heavenly Father loves mankind. Somehow this tragedy would turn into something amazing.
Have you given yourself to listen to this new song that He sings over you? Have you found yourself in a horrible pit? Sometimes we just have to turn off all the other faucets flooding into our souls. It takes time to locate that still small voice when the world is screaming at you. The truth of the matter is that he has never stopped His song.
The Shepherds started that Christmas morning with an outburst of song. Whatever you may be facing you too can be brought into the song of His love. It is one of hope, restoration and of peace.