Merry Monday by Parris Bailey–

“The voice of my Beloved, lo, there he comes! Springs over the mountains,
bounds over the hills.” SOS 2:8

There is nothing like learning to hear the voice of the Beloved. Jesus said in John 5 that His sheep hear His voice. I pray you can sensitive yourself
to hear the voice of His presence. Even Sarah Edwards was caught off guard so much that she felt caught up in His beams.
Sometimes we can anticipate a visitation. Suddenly we see him leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. Ps. 22 he is described as Aijeleth Shahar means “hind of the morning,” “the bright and morning star”, Re 22:16; the dayspring from on high, the sun of righteousness, and light of the world. (Gill) He comes to us through the mountains of difficulty, he comes when things seem so hard that you think your not going to get through it. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.
He comes to us in many ways:
1. He is coming, or will shortly come, into the world.
Jesus said, “Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?”Luke 12:56
2. He is coming to me for my support and comfort.
The Christian life is full of ebbs and flows. Times of special visitations and outpourings of grace. We might not have open visions or hear an audible voice but we have have the gentle whispering of the Spirit within us. Behold He comes! Sometimes He comes when we least expect Him sometimes there is a long season where we think we have become dull, I feel sometimes he just wants to enlarge our capacity for more. At times He wants to make the church grow hungry for Him.
Can you hear His voice in the word? Can you see Him at work in your life? He comes leaping and skipping to meet you at the point of your need. “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” (Matthew 25:6 KJV)
We can decide which of the virgins we want to be, five rather foolish that really didn’t discern or care about his presence or the five wise who brought provision and stayed alert. Behold He comes leaping and skipping to us everyday in our lives, I pray we too respond to His precious voice.