A Father’s Love

Written by Jenn Holloway

1 John 3:1
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

The little girl within longs to be held. If only for a minute, but a lifetime would be so much sweeter. I’ve never known what it feels like to have that earthly father‘s love. I have only looked on others lives and coveted what they had. God forgive me for breaking your commandment.

All I have ever felt from a man is abandonment, rejection, and the feeling of being used. I’ve never known the embrace that only a father can give when his little girls heart has been broken.

I’m not quite sure what an earthly father‘s arms feel like but my heavenly Father’s arms are strong, steady, and gentle. He allows me to crawl up in his lap, into his loving arms, where I have found healing for my broken, torn and tattered heart.

He holds me when the long and lonely nights won’t end. When the enemy comes in like a flood He raises up a standard against him. Nothing can stand against him. Everyday I learn more about his love for me. It’s so deep, it’s so wide, it’s unconditional, it’s beautiful. It reaches to the highest heights, the lowest of lows. No matter where I go His love is right there pursuing my heart. He never gives up on me, and He promised me He would not leave me comfortless, He would come to me. He never leaves me, He never forsakes me. I am His, and He is mine. I am the most fortunate woman in the world because I now know the love of a father.