Tina Von Seutter
“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.” (Heb. 4:9-10)
When I was asked to pray for a word for 2024, I thought I already knew it, which was a familiar pattern in my life, Making my knowledge of God just that, head knowledge. So naturally, I thought my word should be maturity. Wrong! The Lord had already given me the word, “rest.” Now, he was giving me “abide.” I continued praying about it and suddenly it came. “Tina, the only way to enter my rest is to cease striving and allow me to teach you to abide. You abide in me and I will mature you.” There it was… abiding rest! All those years of trying to will God to act on my behalf, to earn his love, to “good dead” my way into heaven, my mouth professing surrender while retaining control, pleading for the baptism of the Holy Spirit while not believing it could be for me and asking God repeatedly to help me. Simultaneously making every effort to change my own life. Then, a divine set-up with a divine partnership. Mary’s Song, Victory Church, and the Holy Ghost. When the Lord delivers you from darkness and places you here, you are under an anointing and covering like no other place. The Holy Ghost came with fire. I couldn’t do anything but yield. Prayer language came. The word came alive with true understanding permeating my heart and renewing my mind. Apathy gave way to a tender and responsive heart, quickening in his presence. I worship in Spirit and in Truth and receive his love. Jesus is no longer an ideology, he’s my reality. The cares of the world are not less, yet, his peace is greater. Striving is exhausting and futile. Thank you, God, for bringing me into your rest and quieting me. Thank you for teaching me to abide. Thank you for personal experience and relationship.