Dec 31, 2018 | BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, Revelations 14, Victory
What will be your voice in 2019? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR VOICE?MERRY MONDAY BY PARRIS- “And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps; And they sung as it were...
Mar 3, 2014 | BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, Following God, Revelation, Revelations 14
THESE ARE THE ONES WHO FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES: REV.14:4 MERRY MONDAY BY PARRIS BAILEY- Frank has been teaching on the book of Revelation for the mid-week service for a few weeks now. You cannot but think about the future and what’s in store. I got...